I wake up every morning feeling like a robot, a zombie, numb. Just waking up, and waiting for the day to end, as if i dreaded living. Do you know the feeling, when it's the beginning of the week, and you've got something really great going on during the weekend, so you spend the whole week waiting for that one event? Just trying to kill time until that day comes? That's a little how I feel, but for no reason at all. I'm not waiting for anything, not looking forward to anything. And still, I spend every minute thinking "Woah. I can't wait until today's over." I'm sad and bored about everything.
I'm really sorry, I know that doesn't really make sense or explain how I feel properly. But it's really hard to put into words.
I've felt like this for the past two months or so. Could there be something medically wrong with me?