
Is there something wrong with me? doctors or nurses please? idk.?

by  |  earlier

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This isn't teresa h. it is her cousin.

I am 12 years old now and my nipples are like swollen. I know when breast development begins it starts there but it actually hurts just to touch it. Is there something wrong with me or is this normal. It started to be like this 2 years ago.

also i haven't had my period yet if you need that info?





  1. It happens.  Talk to your doctor if you are really worried and need reassurance, but you should be okay.

  2. That's quite natural at your age. If you're really worried, speak to a parent, older girl or family friend. If you're too shy, go see a doctor, it's confidential and they've seen millions of b*****s so there's no need for embarrasment!

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