
Is there something wrong with me? i ALWAYS have to do everything and try new things. ?

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i always change what i want to do and stuff, like if one of my mates tries skating or i see it on telly i want to do it. the next week its cooking. i am constantly wanting to do the randomess things! i suffer from anxiety and am 16.




  1. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. It is a really good thing that you are keen to try new things especially as you suffer from anxiety It's good that your out there.  

  2. I am exactly the same as you and I'm in my late 30s! Nothing wrong with it at all. It's good to try new things.  

  3. Every thing is perfectly fine with you.

    At your age trying all new stuff is really good..for the physical as well as the mental development. According to the development needs, and even various observational studies have revealed that, people who are into trying something new are supposed to be full of energy.Their energy levels are optimum.

    The psychology development requires every individual to try many things before ending up or sticking on to something.... so a jack is not bad after all..... its really good to learn many things, their pros and cons, this will help you much in life.

    Ya, but be sure not to overdo what ever you do.

    good luck!  

  4. No, there's nothing wrong with you. You're 16. You're SUPPOSED to do that. I'd be worried if you weren't.

  5. its good to try new things, nothing wrong with that.


  7. No. There is nothing wrong.

    Adolescence is a time of exploring your identity - your likes and dislikes, and trying on new ways of loving and new activities.

    It's a developmental process.

    No worries.


  8. ocd. you obviously are very anxious as you say and this is a compulsive desire to succeed. ive seen it before, just try not doing these things, and see how you feel, boredom is likely to be the cause too!!!

  9. It's called being adventurous! which is a good trait to have.

    Bit of advise from an old woman can't buy experience you have to live it........

    Try/explore everything, enjoy your life and the options within them.


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