
Is there something wrong with me if I prefer going to a funeral instead of a wedding?

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Coming up are two events: a funeral and a wedding.

The funeral is tomorrow. It's the funeral of an old friend of the family, he was a doctor and I regret his passing away, even more so as his last years were uncomfortable, painful, he was very sick, he couldn't get out of his house, he had lung problems and many others. Life had not been easy for him. Even more so, all his remaining years he suffered from the loss of his wife, who died before him, he was heartbroken, alone, he kept her picture in his bedroom and kept flowers by it and he was crying after her.

I want to go, and I will. It's tomorrow, and it will be a Jewish funeral, and I am interested in Jewish culture, and I know a bit of Yiddish, and I want to attend the ceremony, aside from him having been an important person to my family.

Also, there's a wedding coming. It's the wedding of two young people who worked for my dad, and they are grateful to him for what he did for them regarding their career opportunities. He attented their civil ceremony, but now their wedding will come and they keep insisting that he comes there. But dad doesn't want to go alone and he keeps insisting in his turn that my mom and I go there with him too. But my mom is not very enthusiastic, she doesn't want to go and I categorically refuse to go to any wedding generally speaking because I really don't find these as great events of enjoyment, I know I wouldn't feel at my ease and I don't even care what they think, I just won't go. Dad was not categorical in his refusal and they insist and insist, and he is reluctant to go alone.

Do you think there's something wrong in hating being invited to weddings (which are boring if you ask me) and wishing to attend a funeral?




  1. i think it has to do with the ones involved in each occasion. obviously your old family friend means more to you than the couple getting married and honestly theres nothing wrong with that

  2. No.  

    This is the last time you will have a chance to see your friend and to say your final goodbyes as this is a person you deeply care about.  However the couple that is getting married will be around for you visit and get to know in the future


    Send them a card and let them know you regret having to miss their special day but that you wish them  luck in their new life together.  This way you won't disappoint them by not going and you will be able to pay your respects to your friend.  

  3. I hate both, and anything else that requires me to enter a church. Weddings are more artificial than funerals. When you're dead you stay dead, how many people can say that about marriage?

  4. I actually agree with you. You probably knew that friend that passed away longer than these other two people.

    And I honestly hate weddings. I hate funerals too, but I guess that's because I went to like 4 in the same week a few months ago.

    It can be tiring, walking in heels 8 days in a row (calling hours).


  5. If i got this matter then i should go to ...

    funeral ....

    For me funeral is more important to any wedding ceremony.i like to care more old ppl and who is weak in the family and try to care all.

    PS : i stop to ask Q's to ppl but not stop to ans ppl :)

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