
Is there something wrong with me...?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, this is abit of a random question but here goes...

i'm around 8 weeks pregnant and always feel cold, i thought that when you're pregnant you get really hot?

i am generally always cold (as in before i was pregnant) just don't

know why i still am?

Anyone know why this could be...?

thanks in advance for any help!





  1. No worries at all - people react differently to pregnancy.  I was like you, chilly to normal at the beginning of my pregnancy.  Now I'm in the 3rd trimester and I'm always hot!  Just let your body do it's thing.  Best wishes!

  2. Pregnancy doesn't mean you have to feel hot all the time. I have three kids and NEVER feel hot. so in not mandatory. Every pregnancy and women is different.

  3. Different people have different reactions to getting pregnant some have hot flashes wich is most common and some get cold flashes wich is sorda common!!

  4. i was one of those warm people. but, eery pregnancy is different for everyone. i'm sure its nothing to worry about! and youre ONLY 8 weeks! you got a while to go! good luck :)

  5. Lack of iron call your doc and have them check the iron count. if its low they will place u on an iron pill  

  6. I'm sure nothings wrong. When I was first pregnant my feet were always cold. I didn't start feeling hot until I was about halfway through my second trimester. I'm sure you are fine. Good Luck with your pregnancy.

  7. its all normal--everyone is different--lots of hormones going haywire--cold--hot--happy--sad--its pregnancy--good luck--feel good..

  8. Your baby is just creating the most important parts at the 8th week... so you are giving to him/her/them... the most part of your calcium/vitamins/proteins... and so on... this is a difficult situation for your body... so perhaps that's why you are feeling cold... usually at this stage you should feel tired, sometime depressed and... "cold".

    From the 4 month you will change that... and start feeling warm... as the baby is growing and warming you as well.

  9. the reason why you dont feel the cold as much during pregnancy is due to an increase in blood volume, blood pressure and weight gain, as you would not have expirienced these yet, you wont notice a great change.

  10. with me i had an iron deficiency and i was running a fever. both are completely normal during the first trimester of pregnancy. and it is also VERY common for your blood pressure to drop a little during the first trimester as well. which will also make you cold. and if you run a fever usually you will feel cold. and if you have a lack of iron in your blood you will also feel cold. ask your doctor about an iron test.

  11. Every pregnancy is different, even your own if you have more than one child.  You cannot judge by other pregnancies.  If you are truly concerned, I would suggest calling your doctor and relating to him/her what you have told us.  Good luck with the baby.

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