
Is there something wrong with my ID Shark?

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My ID Shark is just staying at the top of my tank beside the heater in one spot... is that normal?




  1. I feel bad for you.  Some pet store just pulled a fast one on you I think.  

    Well in terms of what you see, keep in mind, ID sharks are very very jittery fish, I don't really think what you see is not out of character really.  What size is it?  Is the tank mature in terms of the nitrogen cycle?  Near the top of the water is one of the many signs of ammonia exposure, but it's not limited to just that sign.  What's the tank size?

    What I'm talking about in the first sentance, is these really are not typical bottom feeders, and rarely have I ever seen a person have them in an appropriate sized tank.  These are four foot, yes 48 plus inch adult sized fish, keep that in mind please.  You may want to consider returning them.

  2. it might just be cold.

  3. this means your shark is cold. You should check your heater to see what tank its recommended for. The heater might not have enough watts to heat the hole tank or maybe it is to low. you should check your thermometer which should be at the opposite side of the tank then your heater, if it is 81 then try raising it to 82 and if he is still there then 83 etc but once you get to 85 then there is a problem. go to the pet store and ask.  hope i could help

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