
Is there something wrong with my eye?

by Guest57914  |  earlier

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long story short, i have a minor allergy symptom where my eyes become EXTREMELY itchy and i can't help but rub them. (i do have prescription eyedrops for those though). anyways yesterday it wasn't as bad but they were itchy anyways, so i rubbed. and there was also a time yesterday when i was in the shower and my eye (left eye) was very twitchy for about 5 - 10 min. (not the eyelid, like the under "bag" part of my eye (like inside i think).

today, in the outer corner of my eye it feels like it's bruised or something. it hurts when i blink, but not when i blink hard. but it's been hurting all day (because i have to blink... duh lol). but yeah is there something wrong? should i see a doctor immediately?




  1. Yeah, it is better to see a dcotor.  Your eyes are injected.  However, do not worry about too much. I also sometimes do like you.  Do not rub having your dirty hands.  If you wash your hads too cleanly, germs are there.  It could not be removed easily, but like the words,"better thatn nothing", washing hands is a good habit to prevent germs from invading to your inside organs.

  2. It sounds like what I used to eye sty. There are medications you can get for this. I located a link below of symtoms of an eye sty. If it doesn't go away, you should definately go to a doctor.

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