
Is there something wrong with my goldfish ?

by  |  earlier

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i just bought a new goldfish and it is only lying at the bottom of the tank , what is wrong with it , is it lonely or is it sick ( its the only goldfish and if it is sick than what kind of illness) or is something else wrong with it .




  1. did you sit it in its bag in the water first it may be in shock from the move (from its old tank)

    at the pet shop did the tank have a heater ,, do you have a heater

    bacause if it was in a heated tank and was moved to an un heated tank it can die from change of temp

    so thats probli the reason  

  2. my goldfish died not to long ago

    first it would stay upside down

    then after a few weeks it was fine for a few days

    then it stayed on the bottom of the tank

    then it died = (

  3. I don't know exactly what you did, but I will try my best to help. Whenever I got a new goldfish for a tank, the people at the pet shops always told me to leave a little water from the old fish (unless he was ill) in the tank.Now if you used all new water, there is another option. I was always told to let my tank run with the filter going and fish food in the tank. It is to make the water more fish friendly lol. It works. It is odd to explain because I am no expert. You should also got the stuff you put in the tank so you can help the water. I think it might be called water conditioner, I am not sure. It helps your water safer for the goldfishes. You did a bad thing by not letting the water in the bag, into the tank. You know how when you travel and go to a far off place, like let's say China okay? And when you get there, what happens sometimes? You get sick because the air is different, the food is different, and it is a stressful situation, from all these new things attacking your body, you know what I mean? I hope so. So by letting the new fish have some of their old water, help the transition into the new tank. Now if you put the fish in, and they aren't doing to well, there is little you can do. If you got them from a pet store that allows returns do so if they die. For now, just feed him food and keep an eye on him. I hope everything will be okay for you and your new buddy! Bye!

  4. Umm I hate to say this but it probably is dead check if he's alive if he is he must be dying change the water right away if he is alive and give him some food...does he have a pump? Maybe he is not getting any oxygen goldfish need pumps to live they get their oxygen from the bubbles that is pumped from the pump if he doesn't have one he is dying from lack of oxygen

  5. first...see if its alive.

  6. Well did you buy the tank at the same time of the fish? If you did you have to wait 1-3 days for the smell of the plastic bowl/aquarium etc...

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