
Is there something wrong with my lovebirds?

by  |  earlier

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I'm really worried. My lovebirds were fine, until I got back from vacation. Their p**p is....brown mush. It used to be black and white like a normal bird's p**p but now it's just brown mush. Here's a picture of it...

I feed them fresh fruits and vegetables everyday, and I never fed them anything that would make them sick. I don't know any other reason to why it would be like that...

Please help me!!!




  1. oh no!

    this makes me really sad!

    i know how this must be really scary!


    don't worry and relax!

    first of all...ask who was taking care of Ur birds what they were feeding them.

    if u DID take them on your trip they could of caught the bird disease. (BUT lets think positive!)

    this happened to my lovebird to!

    i will give you the website that cured him from head to toe!

    Keeping birds clean and healthy requires a daily effort. Because birds are confined to a small cage with limited mobility, they are continually exposed to bacteria that is created by their own mess, saliva, and f***s. Bird cage floors, perches, food dishes and watering containers should be cleaned daily.

    THIS is whut helped my bird!

    Seed Junkies refuse to eat anything but sunflower seeds, pinenuts, peanuts and other types of bird seed. Seeds and nuts contain addictive fats that can create an energy boost, similar to a “sugar rush” that humans feels when consuming sugary products. This boost from fats creates a preference for high-fat foods. When birds become hooked and then are deprived of the fatty nuts and seeds that they prefer, they become lethargic and depressed. Recent research shows that not only are sunflower seeds common in pet bird’s diets, but also can be particularly addictive

    I'd keep him off seeds FOREVER!!!!

    i give my bird seeds for a TREAT about ONCE A MONTH!(and in Very small portions!)

    my bird is better but that was eight years ago!

    i have now been studying birds for a succsessful 9 years and look forward to more!


  2. How many days have you been back from vacation.  If it is more than one and p**p is still loose, then you need to take your lovebirds, with a sample of their p**p to the vet. Do they show any other signs of sickness, like fluffed up feathers, sitting on bottom of cage, not eatting, breathing differently or any change from what you would consider normal for them..   If it was from different  food it should be back to normal in a day..   Did the birds get a draft, or too hot.  You really don't know.   Did they get fed fresh food and clean water every day by the caretaker who was caring for your birds.  Was the cage kept clean.  Since you are really not sure of any of the answers, as you were not there, the best thing you can do is go to the vets as soon as possible.  And don't forget to bring a fresh sample of the p**p from each bird.   You can put it in a plastic bag.   Can you catch your birds, are they finger trained, so they don't get stressed being caught.  If they are not tame catch each one very carefully, so not to scare them, especially if they might be sick.  If you don't know how to catch them ask again at this site, and someone or I will tell you how to catch the safely.  Don't  forget the p**p, you can put it in a seperate small plastic bag, one for each bird  and mark which bag came from what bird.   It is probably nothing but you still won't know till you see a vet.  It is good that you noticed a chage, some bird owners might not have noticed and or ingnored the change in their p**p.   Good luck.

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