
Is there something wrong with my parakeet? I'm very worried?

by Guest34203  |  earlier

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I have a young parakeet who is hand trained. And up until a couple days ago was very friendly and loved to be held and always wanted out of the cage. Now whenever I go near, it acts really scared like it doesn't want me to hold him. He'll still steps up on my hand but he'll fly off my finger as soon as he can. I have another parakeet in the cage who doesn't like to be held at all. Could this have something to do with it? Help me please.




  1. If your pair are in the breeding mode, then they will have some behavior changes. They get more aggressive. Also, if you have more than one, they have each other and dont really need you.(so they think). You could try clipping the wings and see if that settles him down.

  2. Some birds change to act like their cagemates. I have the sweetest make parakeet who sometimes he acts like the meaner female. The best thing you can do is to keep taking the nicer one out of the cage and try to encourage the other bird out too. Even though it's mean, it still enjoys the open air. Keep doing what you've been doing and treat both birds the same.

  3. Maybe the cage mate is picking on him/her.  Or are you being somewhat skeptical of your ability to handle them?  Animals sense your fears, be confident and assertive while dealing with them.  Blessed Be.

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