
Is there something wrong with my rat?

by  |  earlier

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we have two rats! one has these little bumps all over. is that not normal. i cant be sure. should i take her to the vet or just ignore it and see what happens?




  1. Call the vet and see what they say.  You should take her in.

  2. it could be something serious. like tumors, cancer, blood problems. so you really should take it to the vet, just in case. if you love it then you don't want to chance it. wouldn't you go to the doctors if that happened to you? think the same as how the rat feels.

  3. Might be scabs from parasites. Definitely take her in to a small animal vet.

  4. I wouldn't ignore it. Your Rat might or might not be sick. Its better to be safe than sorry. Bring your rat in to your vets office. She might be having an allergic reaction or something.

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