
Is there something wrong with my running style?

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i dont know if i'm running wrong or something. when i run, my leg doesn't hurt or get tired or anything. it's my feet. it gets tire really quick and it makes me want to stop running. am i running wrong? is there any tips for running? i plan on doing cross country so i need to run alot!




  1. you probably tie your shoes to tight

  2. you should tell ur parents that you need to by shoe inserts and if you really want to stop it go to a doctor and have them make you inserts that are perfict for your feet. thats what i have and there great.

  3. nah u mayb have weak feet. my feet used to do that then it just left. mayb ur da same

  4. Along with going to a sports store for really good shoes, consider running on the "outside" of your feet.  Meaning, let the foot roll closer to the outside of your foot rather than the middle or inside.  It's easier to show this than try to write it.

  5. Try different shoes, or gel insoles.

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