
Is there something you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?

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Is there something you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?




  1. somethings are not always that easy

  2. write a book and get it published. I get discouraged easily. My own mental hang-ups prevent me from finishing anything I start.

  3. i am doing it.

    as long as you have a goal then the only way that you fail to be acheiving it is when you have given up or changed goals. every concious moment that is spent with the goal in mind is spent in current pursuit. each step in the present leads to our futures, as long as we are in control of which way we're walking then we are acheiving it bit by bit.

    at least that is how i look at it from day to day. i have a goal that takes quite a bit of money, and time. but every second that passes brings me closer to building the savings, to finishing a book, selling a peice, getting a degree, having a surgery, understanding the world etc.

    as long as i stay aimed in the right direction then i will move along the dream until it reaches the present.

  4. Becoming a pilot..... sigh, no money....... but soon very soon i hope there'll be financial changes in ma life.

  5. Lack of money,car,child minders and confidence.

    But i will get to do what i dream of time.

  6. Because it could be illegal.

  7. Buying a house and a Mustang GT with a V-8 engine.

    I haven't done it due to a monstrously huge school debt. Who wants to pay it off for me?!?

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