
Is there someway i can help firemen ??

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im a 17 year old girl with lots of free time to spare.

ive always loved firemen! any way i can volunteer at one of their stations ?

I thought about sending cookies but at the same time im not sure that they can accept them ( you never know peoples motives nowadays )




  1. Don't play with matches?

    I would take a ride down to a station with your folks and ask them in person.  Just be careful, you are a 17 your old girl and there are a bunch of guys there. Just be careful....

  2. Send them food. They like that. I am pretty sure they can accept food.

  3. There are junior firefighters that you should be able to join.  Your best bet it to go to your local station and check with them.  (The food thing though is actually not accepted) If you want to give food get a gift card to the local grocery store.

    The reason about no food is that if you have bad thoughts (and I know you don't) you can cause a terrorist act by poisoning the food.  IT SUCKS but unfortunately that is the world we live in.

  4. Ask them how  you can help.

  5. Don't get in the way when emmergency happens. But Yup, i think cookies is a great ideas. They would so much appreciate it

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