
Is there still a chance??!!?

by  |  earlier

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I asked earlier but got no answers... My husband and I are TTC and according to my ovulation calendar we did everything at the right time. I know it can take a while to get pregnant but I was due to get my period yesterday and it hasn't come yet. I tested this morning with my first urine and the test was negative. Is there still a chance even though I got a neg. result after my missed period? When should I test again?




  1. Just wait a few more days and test again. If your period still doesn't come go to the doctor for a blood test.

  2. You can always go to the Doctor and ask for a blood test to see if you're pregnant. Good luck!!

  3. If AF hasn't come, there is always a chance.  One obvious possibility is that you ovulated late.  The other is that the hcg just isn't showing in your urine yet (but if you ovulated "on time", there's something like a 95-99% chance that you should get a BFP by now).

  4. i reckon just wait untill you were suppose to end your period and that should be a good sign and test then. baby dust to you and i have my fingers crossed for you too. Good luck

  5. I'm 8 weeks pregnant and i still didn't test positive on hpt (cost:$1)...blood test will confirm pregnancy..

  6. Sometimes It take a few more days to show up

    Just make sure you dont drink alot the night before and try not to use bathroom during the night. Lord willing you'll get that BFP

  7. Definitely take the test 24 to 48 hours later. Sometimes it takes a couple of days for the pregnancy test to detect the HCG hormone that determines pregnancy

    I wish you all the best! Baby dust to you!

  8. Test again in 24 or 48 hours - sometimes its just too early to show up.  

    PS try not to stress - that will also delay your period !

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