
Is there still a chance to win him back? We broke up 2 years ago?

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ever since then i missed him. i know he still likes me. i can tell whenever i see him. we run into each other occasionally. i've always missed him, but now it's getting worse - i realized just today that i've always loved him. i need to do something about it, but what should i do? just randomly call him? he's very shy so he would never make the first move. please help!




  1. You need to realize why you broke up in the first place... and why don't you just move forward?... instead of trapping yourself in more than likely, the same outcome as you had before with him...MOVE ON.

  2. hes prolly been hoping u will call for the past 2 years!

    yeh ask him out casually like for coffe or a walk =, nothing drastic and see how it goes

    good luck

  3. oh sweetie I'm in the same position as you. My ex and I broke up 2 years ago and I'm just now realizing how much I love him.

    So anyways, I wrote him a private message on facebook, and he actually called me! We talked for a few hours and things are going well so far. Hopefully things can progress from here. We will see.

    I'd suggest giving him a call. I know it's scary, but just do it. You'll be happy you did. Or you could write him on myspace, facebook, ect...

    Just call and say that you just wanted to say hi and see how things were going. I'm sure he will be glad to hear from you.

    Good luck!!!!  

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