
Is there still a grudge between Panamanians and Colombians ?

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I say no,my husband says there is.




  1. It not a grudge, but their recent invasion had increase our problems.  In most violent cases, there is a colombian person involved, the refugees are taking over Darien, a lot of Panamanian companies have been sold out to Colombians, there are more kidnapping cases than before, etc, etc.  There is good people and bad people everywhere but I feel we are getting most of the bad Colombians.  Why the good ones are coming over?  Because their beautiful country has been taken over by guerrillas and drugs.  If we are not careful, Panama will become alike.

  2. Not any more, there are way more things that unite them, than divide them.

  3. OK, I'll get serious on this one.

    I don't think there is a big grudge from the Panamanian side, but I'll tell you that after living in Colombia for about a year, they still have a grudge with us.  It seems they can't get why we declared independence from them on 1903.  I remember I got that question a lot when I lived in Bogota.  I guess they way they teach history in Colombia makes us Panamanians look ungrateful.

    Now because of the increase in muggings, theft, kidnappings, drug traffic, etc., all being blamed to Colombians, the goverment unofficialy said they were starting to consider a shift in immigration policy with Colombia, in order to ask Colombians to request visas to visit Panama.  I don't know if it's going to work, but maybe it's a start to get more control on the recent immigration boom from Colombia.

  4. I think there is... In my case I am Panamanian Living in the US married to a Colombian...I do not have anything against Colombians in general but it bothers me the fact that the Country is totally invaded with Colombians that have decided to go to Panama  for stability.  The problem relies in  the fact that this Colombians are not acting as guest in an country, they are acting and behaving like citizens and that bothers a lot of panamanian people...These Colombian citizens are owning a lot of the bunisess and starting to control a lot of the Commerce in Panama.  Regarding Violence and do agree with the increase of violent situations specially with murders  since the Colombians have started comming into the country...The other thing that I notice (and this is funny) is that many Panamanian Women are upset, or mad cause a lot of the Colombian Women are taking all the Cute and Avaliable (and non available) panamanian men... I think that Panamians are afraid that our culture and our appareances as a country will be affected by Colombians.

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