
Is there still an American embassy in Iran?

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I know the one was over ran and hostages were taken back during there war against Iraq, but did they ever re-use it? like did they ever go back?

if so, why? If america attacked Iran, Iran would just take some hostages again and/or just kill them.




  1. I live in iran and I know though many mistakes ,iran is supporter of peace . and anybody in the world (exept usa goverment) got that iran want use nuclear energy for its science

  2. No, there hasn't been a US embassy in Teheran since the embassy was overrun in 79. The US and Iran haven't had diplomatic relations since then, so there is no need, or ability to have an embassy there, or for Iran to have one in the US.

  3. Like was said before, there is no longer a United States embassy in Iran. There is however, a US interests desk and wing inside of the Swiss embassy, that handles locals issues for US citizens.

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