
Is there still hope that she might be pg?

by  |  earlier

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Hellow, my younger sis, did iui on d 4th of july, n yesterday 17th, she had a light AF. it doesn't look like a real periode, can she do a pg test today? this is her 2nd iui,she is realy disappionted.




  1. It might be too early to test. i would have her wait another few days or a week.  its only been 2 weeks and implantation can happen anywhere from 6-12 days after conception.  so it really could be too early. good luck

  2. Tell her to go to see her doctor, and let them do a blood test it will be more accurate than a pee test right now. But light bleeding is normal as when the embryo burrows into the lining of the uterus it causes light spotting. And this should be accuring right about now. As long as she doesn't start bleeding heavily or enough to wear more than a panty liner she is ok. NO TAMPONS though, it can cause her to misscarry. Good Luck!

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