
Is there still oppurtunities for me to get lots of scholarships if I have a 2.6 GPA?

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Also while I'm on this topic I'm going into my Senior year should I start applying for scholarships immediately?




  1. There are still opportunities yes, but probably not too many as far as academics go. But there are many things you can get scholarships for.

    Set up a free account at and it will ask you questions and match you up with scholarships you qualify for.

  2. Off course there are still lots of oppurtinities, you know most colleges and universities accept a Grade Point Average (G.P.A)  of 2.5 or higher and most scholarships do the same, it all depends on the scholarship requirement. for example some scholarships only accept 3.0, but im sure your okay.

              Hope i helped   :)

  3. You should probably ask the person who works in the Career Center or whatever your school has for a place to hold college info and scholarships.  If your school has scholarship award nights then most students at your school are eligible for at least $100

  4. yes, you should start applying for scholarships, now is the time. You may get some scholarships if they are awarded, based on the essay that is written about. Other scholarships base on grades, gpa, extra activities, work experience, volunteer experience, and soforth.

    try using the website, which helped me apply for scholarships and

    I still use it now that I am going to college.

    Good Luck with the process!

  5. "Lots of scholarships"?'s hard to get "lots of scholarships" with a 3.6, let alone a 2.6. Stranger things have happened, though.

    While your GPA is part of the award criteria for many scholarships, some scholarship funds look at entirely different measures of your academic potential, and some aren't strictly academic awards at all.

    For example, the National Merit Scholarship program awards $2500 to all finalists, regardless of your high school GPA. You qualify for a NMSC award based entirely on your PSAT score.

    Some scholarships are awarded on the basis of your talents - there are scholarships for songwriters, artists, athletes, musicians - you don't need a 4.0 GPA to earn one of those.

    Some scholarships are sponsored by organizations that support education in a particular field - so, for example, there are scholarship programs to assist students who want to study architecture or horticulture or beekeeping in college. Many of those kinds of scholarships are awarded on the basis of essay competitions.

    As to your second question - should you start applying now. Yes, you must. In fact, many of your fellow scholarship applicants started a year or two ago. Get busy!

    Good luck!

  6. Yes, start applying immediately.  You can get a lot of scholarships on, there are a lot that fit your GPA requirement.

  7. In all honesty, no. It will be hard because just about all scholarships look at GPA.

    It's not true that Nationaal Merit does not, they sure do, it's not just about the PSAT score.

    Your best bet is need based aid which many schools give if they accept you. Look for schools that meet 100% of need. This will not be easy as most generous colleges are top colleges, but there may be some if you have an application that's better on fronts other than GPA.

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