
Is there still problems with Brazilians going to Spain?

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I am English and my Brazilan girlfriend was going to visit England (on her own expenses) in January but now she is really worried due to the problems of Brazilians getting treated badly and sent back to Brazill when entering through spain. The location of our connection flight is mardid.

Are these issues getting resolved or are they still on-going as I don't want bad things to happen to her trying to come here.




  1. She shouldn't have any problem if she compliments all the requirements for tourist to enter the EU (for example, a return ticket to Brasil, a minimun ammount of money to expend time as a tourist, etc).

  2. It souldn't be a problem if she is just tourist. The problem is with illegal inmigrants that work without permission, just like in UK

  3. nothing at all if she has all requirements to enter in the country as a tourist, passport, identification, money as the rest of tourists

    brazilian tourists that were sent back to Brazil didn´t have their legal documents, they were illegal and of course, didn´t enter in Spain.

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