
Is there still something out there meant for me?

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I've being singing since I was 5 but have hardly done any solos. In primary school i was shy and had low self esteem because I was bullied by different people every year until I went secondary school when I was 12. I have got a quiet a powerful voice. I'm thinking doing talent shows in 2nd year when (I'm 13 now and will be for the whole of second year). My mom hasn't really heard me sing but my Dad has and says 'the world is your oyster'. I still don't know if I'll make it to stardom. I have the guts to do it. Is it too late?




  1. Hey! You're 13 years old, it's not too late to do anything, but I do hope that being a star isn't the only thing you would want to accomplish.

    If you love to sing then by all means continue to do so: sing in talent shows, in a choir or a band, and take lessons to continue to get better. But I think you should do these things because you want to do them, not just because you might like to be a star. Professional singers may be few and far between, but if singing is something you enjoy then the possibility of not becoming a star shouldn't stop you from doing it.

    I hope you have fun in your new school, and that you continue singing for the fun, come what may :)

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