
Is there still too much racism in the US for Obama to be elected Preident?

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How can I be a racist if I am black too? I don't get it.




  1. Most of the racist are dying and being replaced with generations that don't think like that!

    Everyone calls him black. He's 1/2 white! Why don't you call him white?

    Obama is going to win but Hillary would have had a much easier time!

  2. sorry but Yes!

    but we both need to beware the

    -------- M E X I C A N S ----------

  3. Possibly, but I hope not. I suppose we'll see.

  4. No, But Idiot isnt a color,thats why He doesnt have my vote.

  5. This is one way to explain the Liberal Mind:

    It IS racist to vote AGAINST Obama, WHO is black.


    It is NOT racist to to vote FOR Obama BECAUSE he is black.

    "My name is Barack Hussein Obama, and I BLESS this message.

  6. No, but there is too much sexism to think that a woman can be taken seriously.  Worse yet, one of the most electable woman is tossed away.

  7. I hope so.

  8. No, but I guarantee when he doesn't win there will be plenty blaming race!

    There is not enough socialism in the US for Obama to be elected President.  There's almost enough, and it's growing every day, but it's not quite there yet.  There's also not enough voters that know and understand Obama's past associations with RACISTS ("Rev" Wright) and a TERRORIST (William Ayers) willing to vote for him anyways.

    But yes, when he does lose the election on the issues, there will be plenty of talk of racism, most of it coming from racists.

  9. When he loses it will not be because of racism. He is inexperienced and his socialist ideas are bad for America.

  10. No, perhaps you are the racist if you accept only race as a reason for opposition to Obama?

  11. Race has nothing to do with it, Hussaine Obama, simply isn't qualified to be president.

  12. Blacks can be racist; being black doesn't preclude that. I was standing against the wall next to the doorway of my next classroom, and a black girl slammed into me at speed and said she "didn't see you because you's white(sic)." That's racism as much as anything else.

  13. No this election is not about racism.  It's about prejudice against a candidate that is a racist, with crooked, terrorist, and socialist agenda.  

  14. No, but he will blame it on racism and will make them do a recount.  Just like with Bush.  

  15. There's just enough racism for him to get almost all of the black vote.  

  16. There is still a lot of racism in the US, but the fact that a black man was able to be the Dem Nominee is a big step forward......hopefully we'll be able to defeat racism by electing him Pres.


    blacks can be racist too...

  17. that's what he will blame it on on when he looses  

  18. Actually I am holding my vote out until a Catholic Asian marries a Buddhist Inuit and bears a child who is a Muslim transsexual midget.

    Honestly, I don't care about race, I care about policies and Obama is not winning me over.

  19. When obama loses I expect immediate race card play by the left. Also the dems will declare voter fraud yet again.

  20. Not as much as people think there is, I don't think. We the people of this country, makes no differance what color you are. Are just trying to survive, so many jobs lost, homes lost, storm damages, and than we got our fuel cost rises. Obama will win I think, as long as it is a far election, and not like the last 2 we have had. In my state alone, talk about unfair, they ran out of ballots, for people to vote, remember St. Louis, for example, not counting Florida, and a couple of other states to. So who knows this election, but if I was him, I would not back down like Kerry did.

  21. No.

    I myself don't care what color he is but  I do not believe would make a good president.  He is a good speaker but does not have the experience needed.  

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