
Is there substitute for epsom salt intended for the process of liver flushing?

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Is there substitute for epsom salt intended for the process of liver flushing?




  1. Epsom salt will not "flush" the liver, don't know why you think it will.  It is a simple saline laxative, nothing more.

    None of the herbs or other c**p mentioned will "flush" the liver either.  Your liver is not a toilet and nothing you do will "flush" it.  All the sites telling you that you can/should do this are just trying to sell you something that you don't really need.  Get a clue.

  2. In the book that I have .. it says that if you can't tolerate Epsom salts you can use Magnesium citrate ( although it isn't as effective ) and that it can be found at most drugstores..You can do to and read more about the cleanse.. Hope this helps. Good luck.. I have done this cleanse and had great success.. Just be sure to follow all the directions exact... You should have a book or printed out direction to refer to .. As I missed a few things on my first time to read it..

  3. To cleanse or detox the liver and the kidneys:

    Organic watermelon

    Organic carrots

    Organic Beets

    Organic Flax-seed Tea

    I grab the blender and add:

    carrots (couple)

    beets (couple)

    can of tomatoes

    cold pressed olive oil (2 or 3 tablespoons)

    apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon)

    To detox or cleanse:

    Milk Thistle




    Corn Silk

    PS If you don't buy organic veggies, etc-make sure you use a good veggie wash-simply rinsing won't get the nasties off the veggies

  4. As someone else said on here, epsom salts and citrate of magnesia won't flush the liver. They only flush the intestinal tract. Laxatives.

    I have used Lemon juice from 1 whole lemon, a tablespoon of PURE maple syrup, (not Mrs. Butterworths), 1/8 to 1/2 tsp. of cayenne pepper, all diluted with water to 16 oz. Cayenne pepper is very detoxifying to the liver. As is the lemon juice. The maple syrup is for sweetness. You can use less. Then drink that 3 times a day.

  5. liver detox - dandelion, black walnut, milk thistle, red clover, goldenseal.

  6. Yes i used OXY powder instead of epsom when i did my liver cleanse.

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