
Is there such a rule, for e mail etiquette?

by  |  earlier

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Such as, asking a question, and not getting a reply




  1. I believe that there is such a this as email etiquette, but i call it netiquette. I'm pretty sure if you google it something will come up.

  2. You can re-send the email and if they don't answer still, they really don't want to.    

  3. In the workplace, for sure, there is email etiquette. The fact that we can't see facial expressions or body language is a big factor of why there is email etiquette at all. Not getting a reply when a question is asked is unacceptable in my business environment. Unless you will pay the sender a visit or call him/her on the phone, we are expected to reply in a timely manner. Even if we do not have the answer, we reply with some sort of update or status. We should practice good etiquette in all forms of communication, both personal and business. :)

  4. Hmmm the person coulda just accidentally deleted it or havnt read it yet but... it depends who you are e-mailing.

    If its a CEO of a company it should look formal and well organized.

    If its a friend or something then go creative XD.

  5. Yes.

    1. Language etiquette

    2. Internet rights

    3. etc.

  6. With wasn't taught in schools, so it kinda 'evolves'.

    There are 'loose' rules. it's not as formal as a letter, but can be.

    I think people use email the as they use txt messages, which is problematic.

    If someone doesn't reply - often it's due to technical reasons, poor email management (flooded with other emails),or they haven't checked their mail account for a while.

    I agree that you should 'follow up', us a polite tone. "Hi, I hope all is well...I am checking the status on an email I recently sent..." If you don't get a response - phone them. It might be a spam blocker preventing them receiving your email.

    You could use language such as "I'm sure if you received it." Or, "not sure if you'd seen it.....anyway, I'll forward it".

    In my job (IT Support), I receive about 10,000 emails a day! I have h**l trying to manage my mail. (I recommend using Desktop search if they use Outlook at work.)

    Sometimes, they won't reply too a question too soon, in case they are wrong.because the fact it's typed is 'written evidence' (in a business situation). If it's a 'personal' email, they might be uncomfortable answering (by email), but might be ok if asked face-to-face, by phone or in an  indirect way.


  7. You could send a follow-up email. Explain that you aren't sure if the email you are sending is being blocked by their Spamhaus, and that you are forwarding the original email along.  

  8. yes there is. If you ask a question and do not get a reply forward the emial to the person you sent it to and ask them again. If you sent it to someone whose boss has an influence over them such as someone who works for the company carbon copy or CC the email to their boss. you are much more likely to get a better response. and never type in all caps it is like you are yelling.

  9. Well, I would say Do not type all in capital, it means yelling.  

  10. i would e-mail back politely and say that i already sent an email  what ever days ago and that im not sure if they received it because i didn't get a reply. and then restate your question or whatever your initial e-mail said.

    good luck

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