
Is there such a thing as 'too much freedom of speech'?

by  |  earlier

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I start to think there is, especially after seeing those Westboro baptist Church people and their propagandas. If it's "freedom ends where my freedom", and if it's illegal to promote violent acts, how come American government lets WBC bash about g**s and Americans.

If racism is against law which is, that should be against law too, I think. Don't g*y people have right? Shouldn't they?

What are your opinions?




  1. In a word, no.

    Keep in mind freedom of speech does not include freedom from consequences.

  2. Obviously people shouldn't yell fire in a crowded theater and such, but freedom of speech is a great thing, that's what makes us awesome that on the same day in a town, neo-n***s, communists, pot heads, business owners and g*y people could all hold a rally.

  3. Absolutely NO

  4. freedom of speech is the most abused 'right' that we have left. it was never intended to be the garbage that it is now. bur hears what has happened."we the people" have at every point of dispute and every bunker of value, handed over our right to decide in favor of letting the government decide. (then it isn't our fault if it gets screwed up is it?) the only function of government is to govern . make rules and enforce them.

    so the freedom of speech which was intended to be a powerful weapon against faithless government has by government decree been granted universal unlimited and uninhibited rights. the reason; if they can't censor speech and they can't limit opposition they will allow ever thing under the sun in as free speech there by diluting and watering down the value and effectiveness of " the freedom to speak to redress unjust grevences... tmm  

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