
Is there such a thing as Self Hypnosis in Martial Arts?

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like a Way of thinking during a Battle that you say somthing and it makes you feel like you truely are unbeatable and you end up destroying enemys who are stronger?




  1. I think that most martial arts training is a form of self hypnosis.

    Then so when or if a battle comes then you can perform in the field like you did or much like you did in training.

    and sometimes that is a little mantra that pumps people up to think that they are great and to preform with little fear.  Indeed, fear is paralyzing and if one is paralyzed and stuck then one will be cut down.

    so indeed one is taught about fudoshin.  the immovable kokoro that is not stuck.

    I also am of the opinion from my own training that training gives one the opportunity to tame the hyper aware instinct state that happens in high stress situations.  so it is subdued, but you can still use it.  

    This is when you get the time slowed down effects and sometimes super strength effects from the adreneline running through your system.

  2. Darn good question.  I think there is a time where we get "in the zone", where we go into that area of reflex and muscle memory, and react, I don't really know if this is self hypnosis, but I know what it feels like to go into the zone, where we use reflex, muscle memory and see nothing but our objective(s).

    Self hypnosis or whatever, there is that area were we just do, I wish I could explain it better.

  3. yes and no,

    usually it is the opposite.

    people train at crappy schools under crappy teachers and delude themselves into thinking they can learn to fight without actually fighting.

    can you learn to play saxaphone without ever touching a saxaphone?

    how about learning to be a surgeon without ever holding a scalpel?

    yet all over people believe that they can do magical things with thier "chi" like dillman and yellow bamboo (frauds) as seen below:

    dillman believes he can do a "one hit ko" without touching you through chi. lets watch.

    and yellow bamboo can create chi force fields to stop an attakcer! (use the force luke)

    so plenty of people train to believe they can fight, but unless you train with full resistance you can't. you need to fight (spar) in order to actually learn to fight.

  4. codtioning yourself  to think a ceartain way. Yes.

  5. When people think about Hypnosis most will instantly imagine a guy waving a crystal ball or a coin on a string next to someone's face.  Really what Hypnosis is, is any sort of comunication with your subconcious mind, any visulizing you do, any positive thinking, all of this is a form of self hypnosis the only difference is how deep you go, that depends on your concentration and focus on the technique your doing and also the period of time that you train, if you visualize yourself non stop becoming unbeatable then eventually your mind will completely believe that thats why you think positively

    the thing your talking about is using a trigger to activate the hypnotic state, this is also possible but the state has to be very deep so what you can do is put yourself in that state that you want, then say a trigger word and keep doing this again and again lots of times, eventually you can just say the word and you'll instantly go into this state

    Have you ever put on some uniform and felt a different way?  Warriors would wear face paint to get them into that war state, it wasn't just to scare the other guys it was also to hypnotise themselves into a war state of mind, to beat a stronger guy but its different because they will have the belief as well, if they believe that you can beat them and you believe that you can beat them then you will but they might have a strong belief in themselves as well so then it will come down to who is stronger physicaly and a better fighter, the mind is a big part but you still have to be strong

  6. maybe not sure



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