
Is there such a thing as a Bachelors in Organizational Psychology? ?

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My employer will pay for a bachelors in Org/Industrial Psychology but not just a general Bachelors in Psychology. I was under the impression that Org/Industrial Psy was a Graduate level thing... and there wasn't any Bachelor programs or Ind/Org Psychology. Does anyone know more about this?




  1. Not sure exactly. I enrolled in an accelerated BS program under Organizational Leadership. So there is probably one for Organizational Psychology. Good Luck.

  2. Yes there is. However, there are not many programs. Many of these programs may not be called Organizational Psychology. And you do not need a Ph.d or masters pursue a career related in Org Psych. However, I would recommend it.  

  3. Not sure, but if you want it as a career, it will do no good until you earn at least a MS or possibly a PhD

  4. Yes you can get a Bachelor's in Industrial/Organizational Psychology.  Google " Bachelor's degree in Industrial / Organizational Psychology. "  There were numerous choices.  

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