
Is there such a thing as a Christian anthropologist?

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im a junior in highschool and im thinking of a possible career in forensic anthropology, i believe in intellegent design though, not evolution. i was wondering if there was anyone else in a similar situation or anyone who is an anthropologist who believes in intellegent design, also how difficult would it be to go through the classes?





  1. I know a lot of Christian anthropologists.  However, most of them of a very integrated faith of sorts.  Intelligent design would work as well.  

    I think the reason that so many anthropologists drift away from religion has to do with what they learn.  When you learn about anthropology you are learning a science (it encorporates the sciences and many other subjects).  You lean on theories, but you depend on proven scientific evidence (often indisputable).  The evidence doesn't always equate to what some of us were taught growing up in our religions.  However, what we were taught is one interpretation of the Bible, etc.  It is not the only interpretation.

    So, do anthropologists drop religion?  Yes, many do.  Can you be religious and be an anthropologist?  Yes, you can.  Will your beliefs change while taking anthropology?  Probably, but it is more of a growth than a outright change.

    I have a degree in anthropology, but one of my favorite courses in college was a philosophy class.  It taught me to stack up my beliefs like bowling pins (my beliefs about anything, religious or not); and then roll the peverbial bowling ball at them and see which ones are still standing and which ones aren't.  Then look to see why the ones that fell did so and if it is possible to make them stronger.  You may find yourself doing this in college for a number of subjects including religious ones.  This philosophical process is used in scientific experiments as well.

    Also, with forensic anthropology, you are dealing with modern humans.  Humans after the beginning, whatever the beginning means for you.  So, I don't think it will be a problem.  Good luck with your degree.

  2. First, it's possible to be a Christian and still accept the findings of science; most Christians do (that is, they reject the utterly unscientific "intelligent design" nonesense).

    I would imagine you'd have trouble in athropology classes if you think the Earth is only a few thousand years old, and you reject all the findings of biology and paleontology.

    Instead of making up your mind to reject science at such a young age, why not first learn about science -- THEN you'd be in a position to intelligently answer whether it was all wrong or not.

  3. I am a Christian and I have my degree in Anthropology so I guess I'm a Christian Anthropologist.  Just because you buy into the creationist theory of existence, for one reason or another, doesn't mean you don't believe in the other aspects of any of the other fields of Anthropology.  Not about to throw the baby out with the bath water type of thing ya know.  

    Now to be totally honest we are few and far between and it made for some rather heated discussions during class and study sessions.  Also if you don't mind being looked at like you have 3 heads by your professors then you should have no problem.  I really had no problem with learning and reading up on the theories of anthropology.  I was able to separate my personal beliefs from my academic beliefs.  Just because you read it in a book doesn’t mean you have to believe it, if that were the case then everyone who says they have read the Bible from cover to cover would have to believe in it.  The University is there to help challenge your beliefs but it will also help you affirm those beliefs as well if you let it.

    I believe that God doesn’t mind agnostics; I think He is in favor of asking questions and finding out what Truth is in your life.

  4. Yes.  Check out   Lots of excellent scientific articles...

  5. What will happen is you'll have your intelligent design belief extensively questioned. You'll also will be faced with completing class requirements that conflict with intelligent design.

  6. Hello,

    First, I would like to congratulate, commend, and encourage you for taking the scientific, logical, and intelligent stand in this area of science! There are and have been many anthropologists who do not believe that there is any validity in the evolutionary theory (macro-evolution).

    Evolution abandoned

    A talk with physical anthropologist Dr Neil Huber-

    You might find these interesting reads.

    Some modern and early scientists who accept the biblical view of Creation.

    Forensic anthropology is a wonderful place in which to be for a proponent of Creationism/ID! Know, however, that you will come up against persecution; you will be vilified, as will anyone who decides to have a counter cultural worldview. But remember, “If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.” John 15:19

    This may be a great asset to you:

    Colleges & Universities That Believe or Teach Biblical Creation Philosophy

    There is much evidence for Creationism/ID in anthropology, as there is in every other facet of science. Romans 1:20-“For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.” Do not allow anyone to persuade you otherwise through ‘mental abuse’!



    Check out this film-

    And this book-

    If you would allow email communications, I would be more than happy to refer you to different scientists with whom I am in contact, who may be able to help you in your pursuits in regards to college/higher education. May The Creator bless and guide you in all of your endeavors, and use you as a mighty arrow in His Quiver.

  7. There are Christians in all professions.

    Evolution has not been proven. So keep believing in intelligent design. There have been many Christians, from all over the world, who have been scientists, researchers, medical doctors, lawyers, judges, writers, philosophers,  and the list goes on.

    In medical school, I have met plenty of Christians who do not believe in evolution and are currently graduating at the top of their classes. Faith in God, never limits anyone. If anything, faith in God makes people more driven and gives a good moral code to adhere to keep you on track in your research.

    Classes, and text books, are just classes and text books, You need to take and read them to get where you want to be. Science is always uncovering and revealing new things, once preached to be the absolute truth.

    I have always believed that all people originated in Africa. Many other people before and after me will believe it too. It has nothing to do with Darwin, or evolution. It had to do with previous knowledge about Africa, taken by theologian, Christian scientists, ancient documents from Greece and Rome, and the list goes on.

    Long story short, if you want to be an anthropologist, be one. No one has the right to harass you and tell you that you cannot be one because of your Christian beliefs.

  8. I think we need more open minded anthropologists these days.  Unfortunately, many are in lock-step with the Darwinism junk science, so it's good to have people not so close-minded in these fields.

    You can find lots of evidence of evolution inside species, but none that show the forming of one species from another.  After 150 years you'd think they'd give up the Darwinism theory, but a lot of powerful people want it kept alive for their own agendas.

    Since there's been no fossil evidence found to date that can support Darwin's "Origin of Species,"  I don't know why it's still taught in schools, but I hope you can overcome the biases.

    So although you may be in the minority, it's good to have a Christian anthropologist who's willing to look at the facts and not follow the state religion's agenda.

    Be prepared to be vilified for your beliefs.  They don't like debate on things like that part of evolution

    Good luck and I hope you do well.

  9. If forensic anthropology is something you really want to do, I suggest you give it a shot. Out of all the branches of anthropology, it's probably the one that will be least affected or inhibited by your beliefs.

    Forensic anthropologists concern themselves more with careers that examine and determine the vital statistics of once living humans through their remains, both flesh and skeletal They are able to determine  things about the person such as race, age, gender, pathology, along with how, when, and where they might have met their demise.  Nothing you would do would hinge on your belief in intelligent design.

    However, evolution is still a major part of anthropology.  It's not debated as a theory really, but considered factual, and they don't really leave much room for the idea of intelligent design. I believe in evolution, but I understand your position. If you choose to pursue this career, you will be required to take a lot of other anthropology classes in college, and I can guarantee you that a good bit of them will lecture on evolution. They will focus on early hominids and how they feel they evolved into present day homo sapiens, as well as other evolutionary ideas. It can become complicated, so you will need to be able to process all of the information and be willing and able to memorize and understand the ideas so that you can pass tests. This doesn't mean that you believe in it, it just means that you're being educated on a theory so that you can go on to become a forensic anthropologist, which doesn't really have much to do with evolutionary theory in practice.

    If you don't think that you will be able to tolerate it as lecture material, then you might want to think about other options.... but if you can get through it for some coursework, it won't be involved in your future career as a forensic anthropologist.

    Good luck!

  10. It is possible to be a scientist and be a Christian. Intelligent design REALLY doesn't have anything to do with biology or science.  It is religious teaching only.  Most Christians are understanding of people in their church who don't agree with every interpretation.  I understand the pressure of not wanting to feel abandoned by loved ones.  You can learn anthropology and even biology, but be warned, it could test your faith if it is that fragile that it requires believing things that aren't true.  It shouldn't require that you abandon your friends or church to become a scientist.  If it does, for the really fundamentalist types, then do you really belong there wanting to be a scientist supposedly interested in finding out the truth?  No scientist or religious person has all the answers.  Educate yourself and you get to chose what to believe even if you become a scientist.

  11. I'm sure it'd be as hard as it was for me.

    I went to a business school to study economics... which didn't work out because I'm an anarchist at heart.  I left, couldn't stand my classmates (and the extreme ease of the classes). Now study engineering, but I teach myself economics, and am learning more that I would have in business school.

    So for me, I re-discovered my love of practical science, and economic theory has become more of a hobby. I can foresee an unfortunate amount of ridicule coming your way if you choose to stay, but if you have the fortitude, Godspeed in your education.

  12. you Why not evolution? Because when you start research on any subject you cannot have a predetermined bias etc.

  13. First, you realize that ID says that all animals appear at a certain time all at once. It doesn't go with the 6 day creation but does stay with the "all at once" creation.  ID doesn't believe in the "life from a single cell" as does evolution.  ID can be used by people who believe that life came froms ETs as well as Bible people.  Yet, the Bible does state that there is a linear creation with humans at the most recent time period. This is the same with evolution. It says there was a time of water in the beginning as well as evolution. It says there were animals before man and that is what evolution says.  It says that humans are of the soil and why, yes, we return to the soil when we die.  It says man was created when God breathed into him and man did become man when he had the breath to speak. You can understand what I say to you not because you have an area in the brain for speech for this is not speech. You don't have an area for reading.  Image.

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