
Is there such a thing as a Christian voting for a hard core liberal democrat?

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...if so, does that contradict Christianity?

Why or why not?




  1. i'm catholic and voting for Obama. i consider myself an open minded catholic.

  2. There's no contradiction at all.  There are a lot of liberal/ progressive Christian groups.  Air America broadcasts a liberal Christian radio show on Sundays.  I don't remember what it's called, sorry.  I'm an atheist, so I don't really listen to it.

  3. Of course. I'm a Christian, and consider myself a leftist. I've voted for quite a few liberal candidates. To me, it's the right-wing Christian extremists who often seem out of step with the teachings of Christ.

  4. I am a born again Christian and an independent.

    I have voted for a hard core liberal but it is seldom and only when they stood for something I believed in.

    Now, having said that, I would also like to point out that many black Christians as well as Catholics vote hard core liberal more often than for someone hard core right.

    It depends a lot on which morals you value as well as what you personally stand to gain from one politician being put in office over the there.

  5. I hope so, because I'm one of them.

    Every description of Jesus' teachings indicates that he was a hard core liberal: He was anti-war, believed in helping those less fortunate, believed in not judging those you disagree with, was AGAINST violence, hatred, accumulation of wealth for wealths sake, and believed that acts of civil disobedience and criticism of established authority was a responsibility.

    These are hard core liberal values, and you can count me in as a Christian liberal Democrat for that reason.

  6. It seems to me they contradict each other.

  7. Absolutely. Christians are very broad in their beliefs. Well, most of them.  

  8. Liberal and moderate Christianity are meaningless because they don't adhere to their own d**n teachings.

  9. The US is something like 85% Christian.  If there were no Christians voting for liberal Democrats, there would be none in office.  Mathematically, a significant number of Christians have to be voting for them.

    Anyone who has read the synoptic Gospels knows that Jesus was a liberal, and anyone who has read Acts knows that the first Christian communities were communistic.

  10. It is a Republican myth that you can't be religious and not vote for them.

    A vote is an expression of a number of values not least the fact that state and religion in many places are different.

    Also many left wing movements are based in religious movements, such as the Quakers. It all falls down to the fact if you believe religion is something personal or something that should be followed.

  11. John 18:36 Jesus said his Kingdom is no part of this world, so if you vote republican or democrat, are you a christian? I know that you think you are but if Jesus's kingdom is no part of this world, aren't you voting for something that's no part of Jesus? Aren't christian Christ like?

    You got sum splanen to do lucy!

  12. If they were smart they would. Its a shame really.

  13. Only the ones with "WWJD" bracelets.

  14. I see no contradiction.  Jesus would not have been considered a conservative in His time.  But, most liberals would have a hard time voting for the hard core liberal.  They like some things the way they are.

  15. I'll vote where it's deserved.

    I don't think God has mysteriously blessed America with some special right to storm into random countries, tear their structures to shreds, and then pretend to piece them back together.  No way I'm voting for anyone who supports that in the slightest way (meaning I didn't vote for Dubya and I can't vote for McCain).  God created the whole world, not just America.  So I'll vote for someone with a little better concept of how to live in peace with all the humans God created.

    Don't think war is enough to decide with?  Let's talk about abortion.  As a Christian, I'm against.  But all the pro-lifers that have been elected in the last 35 years since Roe v. Wade have yet to put a stop to it.  INSTEAD, they're advocating abstinence-only s*x education.  Ironically, abstinence-only ed leaves out the part where people who AREN'T going to wait can just avoid the pregnancy.  So no, not voting for the ignorant abstinence-only person to slow or stall abortions.  I'll vote for the guy who knows you have to make birth control available because humans will be humans.  Happens to be the pro-choice person, usually.  Very ironic, that the pro-choice politicians also have better systems to make sure that the choice isn't needed.

    Still not enough?  I could go on forever...

  16. The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is a gospel of repentance. That is turning away from sin and walking in righteousness. Those that do not repent will hear "Depart from me ye workers of iniquity, I never knew you!

    So, no there are no hard core Christian Democrats. The ones that think they are are deceived.

  17. I have been an active Liberal Democrat for about 30 years. Many of my fellow LDs are active and devout Christians. Their denominations cover all except the extreme, Catholic, Quakers, Methodist, Baptist, and of course CofE, I love them all; their hearts are so big; their all give so much of themselves to the community. After all Jesus was the original hippy.

    Fundamental Christians and born agains = right wing dictatorship

  18. There are probably some, but I don't understand how a true believer could possibly vote for someone who is blatantly (and has said so) anti-life to the point where if a baby born from a botched abortion lives, he thinks the child should be destroyed, rather than given medical attention.  That is despicable!

    So basically, a REAL believer would never vote for someone who is so clearly against everything that God is FOR.


  19. They're called African-Americans

  20. Christians, yes. Fundies and Catholics, no.

  21. "liberal democrat"

    That's an oxymoron...

    There is no such thing as a "liberal" holding an office in America in many years.

    Dems are centrists, Republitards are neoconservative.

  22. You mean like Obama voting for himself?

  23. Plenty of them, especially in the north.

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