
Is there such a thing as a Natural Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI)??

by Guest61821  |  earlier

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Is there such a thing as a Natural Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI)??




  1. Some say St. John's Wort has that quality.

  2. St John's Wort has this. I might add it is very good with treating depression in a natural way. No side effects.

  3. There isn't any evidence for the existence of SNRI so you're deluding yourself if you... oh.... wait...nevermind....

    Yes, there is such a thing as a natural SNRI:

    "A natural reuptake inhibitor is defined as an natural herb, amino acid or nutrient that has an inhibitory reuptake effect on neurotransmitters like Serotonin, Norepinhephrine, Dopamine or GABA. One of the most commonly used NRI's is St. John's Wort, often with a Hyperforin content of 3% to 5%."

    See links.

  4. Just so we know what SNRI is..

    Also here's about St. John's Wart.(scroll down to the part about pharmacology..'s_W...

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