
Is there such a thing as a building that can lower into the ground in the event of a tornado?

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Does such a house or structure exist that can automatically sink into the ground in the event of a tornado? If such technology doesn't exist (yet), it sounds like a good idea. Thanks.




  1. Extremely expensive. Better idea that has been developed is doubling the frames with an affordable continuous reinforcing system. Steel strapping can be formed into a strap-net and applied from the inside of the wood, masonry, or steel frame of the house a lot easier than trying to hit and miss with wind and seismic ministraps around the building frame, as is done currently. Continuous reinforcing also takes the place of shearing walls with expensive means, and some of the conventional framing bracings, also extremely expensive, time consuming, labor intense, and haven't worked yet in a tornado methods.

    Structural Strap-Netted Frames start at 200mph wind-force resistant, and all the resistant-only framed buildings that fail in tornados Max-out at 80-95 mph-resistance. Figure it out!!

  2. yes it was experimented on several years back but was destroyed in a storm, never rebuilt, no it wasnt a tornado

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