
Is there such a thing as a fat vegetarian?

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Is there such a thing as a fat vegetarian?




  1. Yes, of course.  Veg*ns are more likely, statistically, to maintain a healthy body weight and obesity is less common amongst veg*ns, but there are still veg*ns of every size and shape.

  2. yes, not all vegetarians are skinny! some turn vegetarian after they've have really bad eating habits and they dont go skinny all of a sudden! ..

  3. Yes, Oreos are vegan. French fries are vegan. If they don't eat a proper diet, they'll get fat. It doesn't matter if you're vegan, vegetarian, or an omnivore, if you eat more calories than you use, you'll gain weight.

  4. I am vegan and I'm not skinny at all.  I have been kind of heavy all of my life because my parents fed me way too much which taught me really bad habits.

  5. Yes. An acquaintance of mine is "borderline vegan" and she is quite overweight.

  6. *waves*

    Yes, but I can guarantee you we are healthier and happier and have way better karma/spiritual halo of some desciption than a lot of slimmer meat eaters.

    I think as long as you are listening to what your body wants, not eating processed and artifical c**p and embracing the huge variety that nature gives us you can't be going too far wrong. Some people just naturally carry a bit more weight, who knows, we might be the lucky ones when the next influenza pandemic hits or when the oil supplies dry up and the world plunges into transport crisis! Bit of an insurance policy one might say!

  7. yea.. I'm kinda fat cuz i eat alot of veggie and fruits..

    alot of ppl dont believe me :(

  8. yeah, too much sugar

  9. Yeah. Being a vegan or vegetarian isn't some magic lifestyle that makes you skinny (although probably everyone wishes it was).

  10. Well, like non vegetarians everyone comes in all shapes and sizes... The appearance isn't a big deal anyway, if you go veg then you'll look BETTER, reduce your chances of getting cancer... and feel GREAT all the time!!!!

  11. sure, if that vegetarian doesn't eat right. same with anybody, if you eat nothing but enriched flour product and things laden with artificial sweeteners and sugars it's easy to gain weight or stay fat even without eating meat. that's why it is important to cut out those bad foods and embrace the healthful life of whole grain foods, fruits, and vegetables.

  12. Yes.

  13. Well I am one so I guess so.

    I had no trouble giving up meat but dairy [most fattening thing of all] is much harder for me, even though I know that giving it up would help my Asthma.

  14. Yes. When my brother first went veg, he replaced meat with junk food- fries, chips, cookies, just general c**p. It is totally possibly to be a vegetarian, yet eat horribly.

  15. yes there is. I know a bunch of fat vegetarians. They choose to be vegetarians, not for health issues but for "moral" issues. But they will abuse their own bodies with fattening greasy fries and lots of beer and candy.

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