
Is there such a thing as a wasted vote?

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How can any vote be wasted, you should vote for the candidate that you think is the best, not the candidate you think will win.




  1. all mine do you want them

  2. There's only one vote... the educated one.

  3. No vote is wasted. Beginning in 1928 one man ran for President seven times and never received one electoral vote. His name was Norman Thomas and he was the candidate of the Socialist Party. All but one of the planks in his party's platform of 1928 is the law of the land today.

  4. vote can win an should always exercise your right to vote..not everyone has this right

  5. When people put down Donald Duck that is wasted.

  6. I don't think a vote is wasted. It adds up one way or another. You definitely should know about the person you are voting for.

  7. I agree but alot of votes were wasted in the 2000 election . Had they not been wasted we would not have ended up with the idiot that we have ,  who bought and paid for his presidency .

  8. Some people vote for Mickey Mouse, hence the wasted vote. Kindof funny but stupid at the same time.

  9. when u go to a voting booth, u get a ballot paper and put your stamp on the person u want to vote for. some persons put there mark on two or three persons. some voters put the stamp in wrong place ( say, in between the space allocated for a candidate ) and so on. A vote which is declared not a valid vote is a WASTED VOTE.

  10. only in Florida

  11. I think anyone who does not due there own due diligence is wasting there vote.

    I hear all kinds of kids between the ages of 13 to 17 say oh i like Hilary or i like Romney, i say oh really that's good you are in touch with politics at such a young age.

    I then usually reply, what is it about them you like? ummmm, uhhhhhhh,, ummm. and they dont know why they like the person. Its nuts

    if your going to vote for someone, check them out and find out how they stand on all issues

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