
Is there such a thing as generous women?

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there are genrous men: the ones who pay for dinner, cook dinner, buy gifts, plan picnics/days out, give massages, cuddle you, bring you candy and alchohol?

Are there women like this who enjoy doing the same thing? Or is the woman the morer spoiled one in every relationship? can a man ever be the more spoiled one? have any examples?




  1. There are 2 kinds of people...givers and takers.  A giver woman will usually end up with a taker guy.  A giver guy will usually end up with a taker woman.  Happens all the time. Givers are uncomfortable receiving. They enjoy giving to show their love and affection. Two givers usually aren't attracted to each other because they both need to give.  This requires someone to do the taking...follow me? It's on a subconscious level.  Until givers have had enough of the takers and are able to reform themselves (learn that it's o.k. to take some of the time) they will saddle themselves with takers. When two reformed givers get together, it's heaven.

  2. I know many generous women who not only are very altruistic when it comes to monetary issues but also with their times, talents, and belongings.  How many men dedicate their lives to helping others like Mother Theresa.

  3. There some but for the most part men pay the way. Thats why we make a $1 more on the hr. Its to help sustain the loss we tale for dinner drinks am movie.

    Deirdre -  there called the popes an saints those men do.

  4. Yea i have met a few although money doesnt mean **** to me since im poor as h**l i found ways to have fun with out it.

  5. women seem to want to take not give.

  6. There are generous women but perhaps not in the way you described.

    I've gone out with girls who have cooked for me, planned things and given me small gifts and done kind things like that which I found very sweet and really appreciated. My last ex knew I was recovering from a pretty severe illness so she used to cook things like chicken soup and bring it to me at college a fair bit which to me was  really generous and thoughtful.

    But usually when women do things for men they expect something in return (and not just s*x I'm afraid).

    Overall I think men are more generous than women, but that is more by necessity than by choice for many.

  7. plenty of sugar mama's out there.....that's the answer your wanting.

    b/c generous "could only mean paying dinner and dating.

    Couldn't have ANYTHING to do with giving time doing volunteer work.  or donating money to the needy.  or helping out a friend

    Generous only means.....sugar daddy....what a sad life you live

  8. Always a generous woman, never a foolish one!

  9. Yes, there are generous women just as there are generous men. The only thing is men, not all of them but most of them, have families to support so that makes it a bit difficult for them to be generous. My girlfriend is dating a married business man and he not only takes care of his family but is very generous with her and she with him. The woman is not always the 'spoiled one' in every relationship but there are exceptions to that rule. The man could be the 'more spoiled one' since he might feel that he works more than the woman and he needs to be spoiled a tad more. The only examples I have are life experiences from my own and from my friends.

  10. I do all of those things. Except for cooking. Once I tried to make toast, I burnt one side and the other side was still white and soft, I still don't know how I did that one. Today I did my boyfriends laundry and cleaned our apartment while he slept. I even brought him a coke from the laundrymat because I know he likes them.

    I think most people like to keep it even. My boyfriend spoils me just as much as I spoil him. Only husbands of battered wives and prissy girls are more spoiled than their spouses.

  11. "Are there women like this who enjoy doing the same thing?"

    *raises hand* Of course! I treat my boyfriend the same way I want him to treat me.

  12. i was generous towards my ex-boyfriend. i cooked for him (he couldn't cook), massaged him, took him to plays (where i payed). he sure didn't appreciate it. took it all for granted. he turned out to be a selfish jerk, which is why we're no longer together.

  13. Yes there is such a thing as generous women-you obviously aren't around the right women-you might want to try being around more equality minded women instead of "traditionally" minded women who expect to be taken care of-instead of taking care of themselves as well as others...

  14. You guys are going to be shocked when I tell you this!

    I am a American women and I never had the guy pay for me for anything! I paid for myself and sometimes for him!

    (I'm not lying)

    But like you offer to pay we don't ask (sometimes)

    I remember I was arguing with a guy because he wanted to pay for my dinner. That was the stupidest argument I ever had now that I think about it.

  15. Ha ha Yes  I know many generous women.

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