
Is there such a thing as invisible?

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how do we know its invisible if we cant see it




  1. Being able to "see" or "not see" something is not necessarily the yardstick of visibility. Being "sighted," we only see a visible spectrum of light, and not the other "invisible" spectrums such as Infra-Red etc.

    It's HOW we see something which really matters, and "sight" can include radio-waves, infra-red sensors/telescopes, sound waves and numerous other things which use what ever senses are available to us.

    Consider this if you will, which is a bit nearer our own planet.

    The deepest parts of the ocean exceed 30,000ft in depth, where light cannot penetrate. Using probes and sonar, we KNOW that the ocean is that deep, and that there is a sea-bed down there, but we will never "see" it other than by electronic means.

    The same is true of a "black-hole", which sucks back anything and consumes it, including radio waves, light or anything else you can think of. We know it's there, because there is a "hole" in the various spectra, and something very big and very powerful must be causing it.

    So the answer is:-

    Certain things ARE invisible to the naked eye, but they are not invisible really....we just can't "see" them for ourselves unless we use alternative methods.

  2. YES, can you see the wind?  can you see gravity? can you see your spirit or soul? The answer is no, but they are there, and invisible.

  3. TX Girl is right, air has volume and mass and yet is invisible to the human eye. Various gases are invisible.

  4. Brains are invisible sometimes depending on whom...

  5. What does this have to do with Dining Out?

  6. I think so, I saw it whilst counting to infinity.

  7. yeah all kinds of gases are invisible but you can smell em.

  8. You cant see the wind but you can feel it.

  9. Yes , there are many things that are invisible. Most of them are gases.

  10. Sure there is ! Radiation , radio waves , air and frequencies are invisible and we know for a fact they exist!

  11. What, you don't see me standing next to you right now?

  12. don't no, cant see it myself

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