
Is there such a thing as justifiable killing in the military?

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I want to be an Army Ranger after I graduate from college. I'm also a very religious man and I realize that based on my faith, I'm not supposed to kill. Don't get me wrong, I'll gladly put an end to the life of a person trying to end mine, anyone else's in my squad, or an innocent person. I have no problem with doing it if it is necessary. What I want to know is from a religious standpoint, is it justifiable? This really isn't something I should be posting because no one can really give me a definite answer but I'm curious to your response. Thank you.




  1. if you feel orders may have conflict with your religous views I highly recomend you reconsider the military. Theres plenty of other options. Its not that easy to just say "Hey I cant do that because its against what I believe." and get away with dodging it. You could try a military desk job too.

  2. dude my names Eric too!!!!!! CRAZY!

  3. Listen, if you don't know, it's not a good idea for you. It's that simple. How about being a Chaplain? CH's don't bear arms, their assistants do. If you don't know if it is justifiable to you, when the time comes, someone could easily get killed because you couldn't do your job. Don't be ashamed, being a civilian is not a bad thing, and it doesn't make you a bad person. There are other ways to serve your country.  

  4. September 11th, 2001

    I have talked to many many different veterans from many conflicts. The way they justify killing has been, for the most part, "better him than me."

    From a religious standpoint, I am really not sure what to say. I am not religious so I may not even be directly answering your question. I would suggest going to your church and talking with a leader there and getting their input. Everyone will handle it differently and it well effect everyone differently. I am a very patriotic person and I would put an end to anyone's life who threatened me, my family, or my country.

    This is a question that you will need to look within yourself to answer. I watched some 9/11 videos on YouTube a while back and that helped influence what I now think as being "justifiable killing" in the military.

    USMC 0311 infantry after college.

  5. My own feeling is that killing is killing and therefore can never be justified.  However, I suggest that you talk about your concerns with your clergyperson.

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