
Is there such a thing as liquid oxygen used by divers for breathing at great depths?

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I saw this on the movie "The Abyss" last night




  1. There is such a thing as liquid oxygen,usually used in rocket fuels. If oxygen is compressed and cooled it can be transported in a smaller container. When released it is oxygen. Divers do not use pure oxygen. It could be used with proper apparatus. .and procedure.

  2. I don't believe that any divers use liquid oxygen in any way.   Liquid oxygen has to either be at very high pressure or very low temperature to even exist.   The cold form would freeze almost anything instantly.    I suppose it could be stored in a submarine for use at great depths, and allowed to become gas along with being warmed before being used  by any divers.   In any case, it would have to be mixed with other gases, or it would be too dangerous.

  3. Ya deep sea divers have to use liquid oxygen filled in cylinders. Here is why thats so {same logic applies to miners} liquid oxygen is compressed under v high pressure. But as we inhale it turns to gas.  

    as you must be knowing the atmospheric pressure increases as we go down. So deep sea divers have to remain under very high pressures. {as you know when there are two areas one with high pressure and other with low pressure air rushes with force into low pressure area} so if divers dont breathe under high pressure the surrounding atm pressure will crush their airways. So they breathe oxygen under high pressure. That way their respiratory tract is not damaged.

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