
Is there such a thing as online witches who put spells on people on message boards and forums

by  |  earlier

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i ask this coz im scared




  1. No, don't worry about it, magick doesn't work that way.

  2. I WISH there were.*  But those that are witches have only the power that you yield to them.  If you don't believe in the magic, it has no power over you.

    Christians are lucky in this regard.  They believe there is no power greater than their Lord.  Thus, no curse can affect them.

    *THAT would end trolling!

  3. No.witches need a thing from you such as hair,blood to put curses on you

  4. You cannot do any sort of magic/magick over the internet. Period.  

  5. If you ask me mythology is a lie really, and let me guess, because I said that all you witches are gonna hunt me down or something. Feel free, the only things I fear are angry pregnant ladies.  

  6. Don't worry about it. It is probably just another kid who thinks they are being cool.

    True witches would not do such a thing.

    Do a little research on the subject of witches, and on the subject of paganism.  

  7. Yes, a real witch *could* do such a thing. And no, I wouldn't need a lock of your hair or anything to do it. But the truth is, any witch who is skilled enough to do it, probably wouldn't. Unless you were threatening to kill her/his family or something similar, then all bets are off.

    But seriously, I wouldn't worry. I would venture to say that most of those online who say they're going to put a spell on you or curse you aren't experienced enough to actually do so. There are a lot of people out there watching too much tv and playing at being a witch.

    But why are you scared? Have you been threatening witches online?

    Note that not all witches are wiccan and so not all witches necessarily abide by the wiccan rede.

  8. I don't think so cause if some one were to put a cures on you they would need something that belongs to you like a peace of your hair.

    Like my cousin her aunt put a cures on her when she was 13. her aunt cut off her hair when she was asleep one night. then a couple of days later When my cousin was at the store with her mom and dad her head started ithching and she thought she had bugs in her hair but when my aunt checked her hair and her hair was cut off towards her scalp. she went to her grandmas house crying and her grandma reversed the spell and then her aunt hair started falling out alot. thats what she told me and she dose'nt lie. she's already 25 with 3 kids and is doing great.

  9. Only if you believe in it! As for me, I don't believe in them whatsoever.

  10. Anyone who claims to do such things is a "fluffy bunny" or is in need of some spiritual help...Witches of today don't curse as it breaks the Wiccan Rede which is a set of rules which guide all modern Wiccans..

    In Light... )O(

  11. It's horse hockey! Any witch worth her salt wont try to send a spell-o-gram. No real witch would do anything without asking someone first. If she does, then she knows that the Threefold Law will come back and bite them in the butt.  

  12. sure why not  

  13. any witch or pagan that is powerful enough to place a spell on someone that they have never met, and without a focus (something that belongs to you or a part of you{ bit of hair, fingernail clipping etc)

    would know enough to not do it.

    most of us require your consent to place any spell on you or your property. and even then in most cases it involves actually knowing you  

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