
Is there such a thing as paying too much child support?

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I got the idea for this question from a different post. Let me know what you think. If you agree there is such a thing, how much is too much? What are some contributing factors for your belief? If you have personal experience, are you the payor or the payee?




  1. i think the person who is paying would be the only one who thinks that they are paying too hubby is the payor

  2. It is too much if it doesn't go to the kids.  If the ex is spending it all on new clothes for herself, and the kids don't get new clothes, etc.

    If that is the case, it is time to petition the court for a change in child support or custody!

    I'd rather give the money directly to my kids in that case.

  3. not when it comes to your kid!!

  4. Yes I agree  there is such a thing as paying too much.  And yes, I do pay child support for my daughter.  Think of this for a moment...

    I work my but off and I make $100,000.  State law says 25% of that has to go to my daughter, but it's not regulated how the mother spends that $25,000.

    Technically, that $25,000 is suppose to go for food, clothes, and other activities that directly relate to my daughter.  But nothing in the state makes sure that it's spent like that.

    So in my case, my ex girlfriend uses it for her other daughter (because the father isn't paying child support) and to pay child support for her son (that lives with his father).  My daughter comes to see me with hand-me-down clothing, wants to join girl scouts but mommy won't pay because "she's broke"...and last year I happened to notice that my ex had new diamond earrings on when she was jobless for nearly a year.  I wonder where she got the money for that?

    And does an 8 year old kid really need $25,000 a year?  That's like working fulltime at McDonalds.  So no...she doesn't, but that's state law.  25% of your income.

  5. In my case, My ex is VOLUNTARILY UNDEREMPLOYED. Meaning she works part time by choice. Because of this, the scale is tipped way in her favor and I end up paying more than what is affordable for me.

    Basically, because she chooses to work less, I get to pay more.

    I love my kids, and I want them to have a good life, but I seriously think that I am being punished for being successful and she is being rewarded for being lazy

  6. There is no such a stupid thing.

    A child needs the whole of your attention and any you do or invest is in the child (future) advantage, not for a (yours or any other one) personal lousy butt.

    As long as you gave birth to a life form, you are owing your entire life to them!

    Whatever you like them or not, whatever you are a religious person or not.

    You may do whatever you wish with your personal life as long as it is not dangerously interfere with the child's life.

    I both receive and spend from my own resources for my children.

    Usually children have MUCH MUCH more in a de facto family, than into a single parent family.

    Only a man would rise such a Question, there shall never be the case of a real mother!


    If you could put safe a part of those money, and not to give all of them to the child, what do you think that child would say to you later on, when he/she can have a job, etc.

    I would say to you keep them. I needed them when I was a child and NOT NOW.

    Not the brand of the clothes is the one who is needed for a child, but the Quality of everything they need at the RIGHT MOMENT for a healthy future being.

    Better you discuss with your ex. about a plan for the future of your child, and see what does it mean in the long terms and how can you achieve it within the actual conditions - the same as you would do it if you were together.

    Being divorced, it doesn't mean you have divorced of Your Own Child !!!!

    YOU TOGETHER have the SAME ROLE, whatever you aren't having s*x anymore.

    YOU ARE the Mother & the Father of that child a life time.

    And the rent, ... all the other things which are needed in view of your child to live somewhere ...? Just the other one isn't living there anymore, doesn't make any difference. That child has to be risen and the other one USUALLY do nothing ..... A nanny is not a parent !

    All these aren't to be discussed at all. They just have to be seen as nothing had happened (changed), because the child has NO BLAME for the grown up intellectual & soul's impotence.

    I equaly receive allowance for the children, and I spend from my own reserves for them. And my children are lucky enough they have a father who had the opportunity to love them and still agree with me about almost everything concerning them.

  7. I think you are paying too much when the person receiving the support hides income in order to receive more CS.  I think you might be receiving to much CS when you live in a large house and the person paying can't even afford rent at a simple apartment. House being $300k plus and you claimed to only make $1500 last year.  In my state CS is figured based on both parents income. I think you are receiving to much CS when you complain that the current CS is not enough to cover the cost of the child's clothes because he will only wear abercrombie kids clothes (and underwear) and wants to have his hair highlighted.  Greedy people are evil...

  8. More than the child needs is too much.

  9. Depends on the guy.  My dad didn't stop paying years after he could, to make sure we had what we needed.  

  10.   all child support cases..and payments are made and figured out by the fathers/mothers actual income bfore deductions...

           ( yes, some women do pay child support in some cases. eg: brittney

            yes there is such a thing as paying to much child support....they are only allowed to take a certain percentage of your income level.and like i said,that amount depends on total income before deductions...and the laws of your state/province.

             i know,i pay child support...$500 per month..for 2 kids..who are14 and 17...have been paying for 7 yrs now...they live across the country...she remarried her

  11. I am the payor.  As long as I am able to keep a leak free roof over my head and a little food in my stomach.  My children are more than welcome to every penny.  They need it more than I do.

    Contributing factors:

    My love for my children.  The feeling I get when I see a smile on their face.  Every breath I take is for them, whether they are with me physically or not.

  12. some non custodial parents choose to pay extra above and beyond what the court orders to make sure that childs life would be similiar as if the parents were still married....

    This is a voluntary choice...I see no problem with this..

    If you are wanting to pay more child support than ordered, you may wish to set up a college fund for the child

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