
Is there such a thing as positive DISCRIMINATION?

by  |  earlier

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DISCRIMINATION, isn't that what we want to end? So why is this government h**l bent on introducing it?




  1. Positive discrimination = Bias

  2. Everyone discriminates every day.  If you say otherwise, you're a liar.

    If people want to act like animals, I am going to discriminate:  I do not wish to be affiliated with them.

    Nevermind the general, raceless discrimination like obesity, age, gender and so forth.  You may say that you don't discriminate, but there's no way in the world you'd be able to convince me that if you saw a 350lb man waddling down the road, you wouldn't be horrified/shocked/disgusted.

    Discrimination is good.  It's how we discern what's good and what's bad, what we want in our society and what we don't.

    Edit:  I think it's a perfectly acceptable question.

  3. the word discriminating is a contranym

  4. how am i supposed to know?

    i dont even know wat that only 14 you know...


  5. I think you are trying to sound clever and it isn't working. I don't think even you know what you are trying to say. If you discriminate against someone, you are treating them differently due to a particular characteristic such as age, gender or what is your question really?

  6. Discrimination isn't positive or negative, it just is what it is.  You discriminate all the time.  If you cannot discriminate between sugar and rat poison, you are going to die.  All it means is to tell the difference between this and that.  Why would we want it to end?

  7. They seem to think discriminating against white males is ok.  Harman is just a twisted individual.  To answer the question - no there is no such thing as 'positive discrimination' - that is just discrimination pure and simple.  We can make an effort to discriminate fairly, and obviously we should, but it is no basis to make proper decisions.

  8. I don't understand the question

  9. By calling it "positive", does not detract from the fact that it is still discrimination. To give favour to one group over another for any reason other than merit, is to discriminate against those who are not favoured. This is the usual pc hogwash we get from nuLabour. On the issue of race, the reason there are fewer people from ethnic minorities in certain jobs is simply because there are fewer of them. You will not achieve a 50/50 ratio until that figure is at least equalled in population numbers. On the gender issue, of course there will always be more males than females who want to join the forces, the police, be mechanics etc, that is human nature. The more government fiddles around the more animosity it creates. Of all the serious issues affecting this country right now, they should care less about "positive" discrimination and concentrate on those instead.

  10. It's not just being introduced - it's actively encouraged.

    I'll give one example - The "Black Police Officers Association" in comparison with the "Police Officers Association"

    'nuff said.

  11. Affirmative Action

  12. Yes there is; by establishing a resolve for such issues and then applying it with bias. Also, via elimination of an appeal process. Further by creating extended amounts of time in order to obscure the resolve, thus creating white noise within the process itself, and preventing it from being heard within the formal hearing processes.

  13. Yes.......Positive discrimination does exist. To what extent it is hard to say. It mainly exists in government departments.

  14. Here is an example :

    There are 4 vacant posts to be filled .

    Competition for the vacancies produce 3 Jewish ,I Hindu , 5Christian and 4 Muslim candidates . The Government decides that there are not enough Muslims in the area.

    They have a written Test the best six have a very slight chance if they happen to be Non-Muslims . 3Muslim Candidates are chosen as they passed the Exam even though they were not among the 6best. One vacancy went to the Best of the competitors. Positive Discrimination against the Best candidates .  Imagine what effect this has on Medical Recruitment in Hospitals, Scientists,Educationalists,

    Sportsmen, Women Politicians. etc  This is not equality but Vote manoeuvring . It is happening .

  15. I've always worked in the public sector, and have encountered it many times. The standard justification goes along the lines of 'this is not a level playing field. You can only have true equality if you are starting from a position of equality. As certain groups are under represented, it is necessary to go through a phase of discriminating in their favour, until equality is achieved, then all discrimination can stop.'

    The vast majority of people I know, of whatever ethnic background, regard this as a load of old bollocks. For a person from a minority, it can cause problems because they will always be haunted by the accusation that they did not get their position by merit. I am aware of several occasions where totally unsuitable people have been promoted or appointed just to achieve ethnic targets.

  16. I dont think so , not that I know of , give an example and il tell you but possibly..

  17. There is nothing positive about it if you happen o be white and possibly male. Why would one vote for a party that made life more difficult for one; Harriet Harperson take note.

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