
Is there such a thing as post-surgical depression?

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I had major abdominal surgery a week ago and it seems that I'm just SO depressed now. My pain is manageable now and I'm taking my anti-anxiety and depression meds. I'm sleeping alot, trying to make a quick recovery......any good suggestions are appreciates.




  1. yes, there is indeed a potential for post operative depression, and the worst thing you can do for it is lay in bed.  Sleeping a lot will not give you a quick recovery, it could in fact land you back in the hospital.  You need to get up, get moving and focus on something other than yourself.

  2. hysterectomy?

  3. Yes, there is such a thing.  I know you are trying to make a quick recovery and probably have good reasons, but you had major surgery and you need to be resting.  Don't be so hard on yourself, each day will be a little better than the last, but don't have such high expectations that they make your depression worse!  You will feel better, I promise.

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