
Is there such deodorant for women that keeps sweat from going through your shirt?

by Guest67182  |  earlier

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if you know what i mean. like a wetness protection deodorant..

what kind is good?





  1. yea i have the same problem I use degree clinical strength.  it really works for me  

  2. i went to the doctor and he gave me this stuff to put on b4 i go to bed. its amazing! i love it!

  3. I always use Johnson's baby powder.. any other brand would also work..powder naturally absorbs sweat and keeps you dry =)

  4. My friend who sweated like crazy used a male's deodarant that didn't have any smell what so ever!

    It actually worked,

    no sweat sweeping,

    and having to tell her kindly.

  5. Degree clinical strength doesn't work so well for me, but it's better than the competition, I suppose.

  6. i use degree with the little black dress on it and its REALLY good. i practically never sweat!

  7. try a man's

  8. You're not looking for a deodorant, you want some (any) brand of antiperspirant that you like the smell of.

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