
Is there such thing, love at 14?

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is it possible!




  1. yes and if you have found it cherish it and never let it go

  2. to me

    its called infatuation

    look it up

  3. you can find love at any age. i found it at 14 too

  4. Sure it's possible. Is it likely? No, because most fourteen year olds have very little life experience. They think that what's important in a relationship is that he pays for the dates, walks you to class, and is cute. As people get older, they'll realize that the important things are compatability, faithfulness, kindness, and similar goals in life. So, yes, it is possible to love someone at 14. But even though it may be love, it's a love that isn't based on reality.

    If you think you're in love with someone, that's great. Congratulations! Just remember this: your life has barely begun, and you have SO MUCH to look forward to. Don't box yourself in- you might love him now, but will you love him in five years? Ten? Enjoy your life, experience it..  

  5. Of course...however, if you're referring to Eros love, it is immature (not yet developed) due to lack of life experience.  But there are many other types of love that don't deal with s*x.

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