
Is there such thing as a digital camera that is as good as a 35mm camera?

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I want a digital camera that can take pictures as good as a real 35mm camera. As good as the ones that use real film negatives and must be developed in a dark room. Is there such thing?

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  1. A digital may be good enough for government work, but it has a long way to go before it can surpass film.  There is only one camera on the market that does not have an interpolated MP rating and I have never seen anyone on this group even mention that camera.  What that means is that the 12mp camera that you have is really not a true 12mp with all mp having the capacity to make all colors.  With that in mind, you therefore have limitations on digital cameras that you don't have on film cameras.  

    Film cameras are far easier to use, there is not an abundance of little buttons where you change this or so and there are no "scene" settings on the ones that I use.  

  2. Actually, that threshold was passed about six years ago - the summer that Canon came out with the 60D and Nikon introduced the D100.

    Those two cameras literally changed the face of professional photography - because so many pros who had been waiting - saw what they could do and said "that'll work."

    And it's been getting better ever since.

    Are there still some things that you an do better with film than with digital.  Possibly.

    But basically the debate is over.

    Buy quality equipment and really good lenses ... and never look back.

  3. Some will say that you'll need to spend $5000+ on a "full frame" DSLR, but in general usage I think you'd be hard-pressed to tell the difference in results between a good DSLR (Canon, Pentax, Nikon) and a good film camera.

  4. If you look at the second hard market for an old DSLR you might find one with performace equal to 35mm film.

    Most of the current new model DSLRs are better than old fashioned film cameras.  

  5. Any dSLR being produced today will produce photographs that will appear  sharper than a 35mm camera.

    The possible exception would be a 35mm camera with a Summicron.

  6. I used to be Anti-digital, but now with 12MP + you get so much more detail. 35MM is limited to the size of the grain.

    Anything 35mm can do, I can recreate in photoshop.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah gateway. I could have that to if I only answered Qs with few other answers then went back to vote for myself, but I have a job.

    Anyway, I was refering to the grain if 33mm. I have a digital SLR that kicks my 33mm's butt anyday. You don't EVER have to photoshop anything? Sound a bit snooty-tooty to me. "Oh I'm so good I refuse to use Photoshop". I guess you have a filter that drops that 10 lbs or removes braces/zits.


  7. Yes, Canon, Nikon, and other high end brands make digital SLRs under $1000 that will amaze you.

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