
Is there such thing as a female pervert?

by Guest57354  |  earlier

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cause I was thinking there had to be a few female perverts, for example this girl who got arrested for filming and having sexual relations with her german shepard many many times. That seems a little perverted to me




  1. lol yes

  2. It's very common... possibly more common than male perversion.

    More undercover, yet more common.

    The hypocritical part of this is that most female perverts are put off and creeped out by male perverts.


  4. Yeah...2 girls, 1 cup

  5. Yep, I think so. I think female perverts are basically "stalkers" the crazy beyond crazy stalkers who fantasize ...yeah, you get what I mean, LOL

  6. Gross. That is a little deviant, and I like to think of myself as open-minded.

    Mutteralls, isn't that from Bachelor Party? That is freakin' hilarious!

  7. Yes, but female perverts are viewed by women as "empowered." These women fake intimacy and caring in order to justify their perversions. They cause a tremendous amount of damage to themselves and their victims. Look at all the female teachers who use their pupils for s*x.

  8. No only men are perverts. You must have missed the memo. It's perversion in men, but it's called being flirty and sexually empowered when women do the same actions.

  9. Ummm yeah, I'd think so!!

  10. yes thank god there are lots of freaky chicks out there pushing the envelope.

  11. um that's far be on being a perv... that's just NASTY!

    a pervert is someone who make sexual jokes at the someone expspence!

    and i can't spell!


  12. My grandma seemed to think, when I was 8 and 9 years old, that I should be letting her help me bathe, and that the proper way to do this was for me to allow her to make it hard so it would be easier to clean.  Maybe this is an acceptable ritual or something in some mud hut village somewhere, but I found it to be grossly perverse.

  13. You raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnng?

  14. I was with a female pervert.  It was hairy, crazy, fun, draining and whacked out.  Maybe because of old times (males with many partners were praised, women with many partners were scorned) today's female perverts are protected, hidden and not reported as much.  

  15. Of course! Perversion doesn't have a s*x.

  16. Carla Homolka is an extreme case of a female pervert. I'm sure there are lots more like her.

  17. A pervert is a state of mind, an action, not a gender. Of course there are female perverts.  

  18. There are more female perverts than male perverts.   The only reason why males are more in the media is because of the feminists.   The feminists will protect the female perverts.  They will call convicting a female pervert "unfair" or "not equal". blah blah blah.  

  19. Sadly there are plenty of female perverts, according to data from the US 2000 National Incident-Based Reporting System. A s*x offender is female in 1 in 3 cases of non-forcible s*x crimes against boys aged 0-11 years old. For non-forcible s*x crimes by women against boys aged 12-17 the offender is 11 times more likely to be female than male (McCloskey & Raphael 2005, p.16).  

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