
Is there such thing as a jump floater serve?

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if so how do you do it???

oh and if its not too much to ask can you give me advice how to do a hard serve i wanna make my varsity team next year please!!!!




  1. yes, jump floats are usuallu very hard to get

  2. Yes, jump floats are the toughest serves to pass, most people say.

  3. yes ma'am there is.its basically the same routine, but jumping!:)


  4. yes there is a jump float serve. its like a jump serve but you toss the ball a lot lower. you take two steps, then toss the ball, hit, then land inside of the court.

    to serve harder, work on better contact with the ball, you can also just try to serve as hard as you can and throw your whole arm into it, you may look like a r****d at first, but then you can take some off. youll be surprised how hard you can really serve.    :)

  5. yes, you can have a jump float serve. when you toss the ball, dont spin it and when you contact, dont snap your wrist. hit the ball as you would in a normal float serve.

    and people always think that tough serves are the ones that have a lot of top spin and drop, but as a libero... those are the easiest ones to pass. if you want a serve that is harder to pass, try a hard-driven float serve. its really hard to track the ball when its floating everywhere. i would know... it sucks. haha. but all you have to do is not snap your wrist when you cantact.

    it makes is alot more difficlut on the passers and it will make you look better if everyone is shanking your serves =]

    hope this helps!!

    good luck!!

  6. it is better to have someone show you than to get written directions.

    The jump floater is the future of serving for the women's game, so it's good that you are trying to learn it.

    Floaters that are served faster are more likely to move around, and jump floaters are easy to serve quickly without spin. Since you (and the ball) are already moving forward, your arm does not have to hit the ball as hard. That means you can focus more on control with your swing.

    This is a serve you want to be able to do!

  7. this explanation above is a little wordy.  Basically a jump float serve is the same as a float serve, it is not intended to be harder or faster.  All it basically does is cut anywhere from 2-3 seconds off of the receiving team's defense.  All you really have to do is jump behind the line, hit the ball like a regular float, and land in the court.

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