
Is there such thing as a preppy scene?

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I Don't Want To Sound Like A Poser but, Im In The Middle, Because I have the Scen Hairstyle, and i have been scene for a while now, but befoore, i was preppy. i like both of the ways, im going to highschool soon, so im not sure which one to pick.

is there a such thing as both? if so, whats the best thing to do for a grade 8?




  1. umm well, you can use BOTH looks at once, as long as you don't overdo either theme. say, if you keep the scene haircut and you wear a polo/pearls/other preppy clothes, it could work as long as you don't wear really thick scene makeup.

  2. well you dont have to "pick"

    there is preppy scene though

    as long as you look hot

    thats all that really matters.

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