
Is there such thing as a sprained knee?

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It hurts to walk on my knee alot and i was wondering if there is a cause. It always feels like im gonna fall on my face




  1. yes

  2. Yeah, their is such a thing. I've had that several times while playing soccer over the years.

  3. yea theirs such thing as a sprained knee

  4. I have sprained or strained my knees before. After 40 plus years of age, I have found that my knees are weak and easily twisted. One of them has a "Catch" that sometimes will allow me to fall easily. My weak knees tend to be easily hurt by twisting action so I avoid unusual twisting actions while walking or moving about.

  5. yes, i sprained mine last year. i would recommend you buying a knee brace and using ice on it. It should be completely healed in 2-3 depending on how well you take care of it.  

  6.   Yes there is.  And when i was reading the other answers they didn't give you much detail.  So I will tell you.  A sprain is a slight tare in your tissue.  So it is possible to sprain almost any part of your body.  These are symthoms of sprains you may have one or all, all sparins are diffrent





    *feels cold to touch

    *Gets numb

    You need to stay off of it untill a DR tells you otherwise, ice it, elevate it, and rest it.  You need to "baby it" and try to not move it or it could get worse.  Or not heal propally wich would need surgury to heal.  But it could also be a tare in your tendon.  That would be even worse to have a ligemend is something that holds you mussle and bone together.  If you have trouble moveing your knee or any part of your foot go to the ER otherwise you need to get into ergent care ASAP!  

  7. see a doctor

  8. yes it is possible to have a sprained knee, take advil, ice the knee, when icing it elevate it, and when you're walking wear an ace bandage wrapped around the knee. make sure you don't wear the bandage too tight you'll lose circulation but make sure it is sort of snug so that it'll support your knee some.

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