
Is there such thing as being bullied by your siblings?

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I have two sisters living in my home, and they seem to make really mean remarks whenever i am around them. I am not usually doing anything to provoke fighting, just making food/going to the washroom etc. whenever we tell the father, he always believes them over myself. I am not sure whether this is considered bullying or not, and what can i do to get it to stop.

Thanks for any help.




  1. well, it's kind of like that for me too. This is really hard to do sometimes, but I would just say ignore them or try to be nice to them, and maybe they will do the same

  2. sounds like their a little jealous of you

  3. they are being sisters they are just trying to provoke you for fun

    if they are verbally assaulting you like calling you fat or laughing and whispering and pointing when you are around then it is bullying otherwise they are just teasing you

    btw- r they older or younger?

    it makes a difference

  4. I thought that Charlie Girl gave some good advice.  One other thing that has helped me in certain situations is to keep a notebook in which I document everything.  Whenever a bullying situation occurs, write it down as accurately as possible, along with the date and approximate time it happened.  I know it sounds paranoid, but for me, this has helped me to know that I am not crazy (and you can start to feel that way when you are being bullied!).  At the same time, if you have the chance to go to your mom and tell her what is happening, you will be able to be more accurate.

    One word of warning, though.  Don't allow your notebook to be an opportunity for you to let yourself nurture a grudge.

    Hope things get better for you.

  5. Yep! Its bullying. The two of them have ganged up against you. That happens in families.

    Do you have any idea why they are leaving you out? Are they older or younger than you and have different interests? You said "the father". Is he your stepfather and their father? That could explain a lot. If so, go to your mom and ask her to get him to get them to back off.

    I really feel for you. I had an older brother who was my best friend when we were little but as soon as he started hanging out with other boys, they were mean to me. Fortunately for me he did grow out of it and wasn't mean when they weren't there. How do the girls treat you when they aren't together?

    Try not to be in the same room with them when no adults are there. Ignore them when they say mean things. Bullies love it when they make you upset. If they think you don't care what they think its very possible they will stop. If they get physically violent then run through the house screaming until someone pays attention to you. That should wake the father up. He will have to do something or risk the neighbors calling the police.

    I wish I knew a sure fire formula that would work.

  6. It is not really bullying. It is just them picking on you. Are they older? There is not too much you can do to make it stop but stand up for yourself and confront them about how their behavior is affecting you. If that does not work try talking it out with your dad, see if you can get any help on that end. Good luck

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